Tuesday, November 10, 2009

opportunities & possibilities

I realized today how hard it is to constantly come up with a cleaver titles and subjects to your blogs...and it's only the second day. Maybe that's why I've never kept this up for very long...well, yesterday was my first post and I stated I was thankful for my family (of course!). On the way to work, I remembered that yesterday one of our employees was layed off. I had a wave of emotion realizing that even though I probably make less than any body in the company, I am the low man on the totem pole (being the very last person hired by the company). At the same time, I would leave tomorrow if I could - I want to be home again so bad it effects my attitude - but I know that's not possible right now. So, I was scared of the possibility of being let go and happy at the thought that it might happen. This morning though, DH and I had a good conversation on preparing for the future - for when I can quit and stay home again. We both know I will have to do something but neither one of us want it to be the typical 8-5 job.

So, I'm thankful for the opportunities that God has provided and thankful the possibilities for the future and thankful for the journey between then and now