Tuesday, January 19, 2010


so my last posting was about my goals for this year.  here's a little update on how I'm doing (I can't remember the order so I'm going off memory):
1) exercise: been doing pretty good at that.  I haven't been getting up at 5:00 yet but I'm close.  I've been walking on the treadmill (took a little time off because I wasn't feeling good but I'm back).  Today was my first day of couch to 5K - realized I don't particularily like running but we'll see how it goes.  Not ready to set another goal of running a 5K but we'll see. A little shaky on the committment part but I am committed to exercising.

2) as I said above, I haven't been getting up at 5:00 and I have been choosing to exercise instead of reading my Bible (I know, my order of importance is backwards).  I'm still struggling with what to study.  My buddy has been wanting to do Daily Bread.  I looked it up tonight and I don't think that will work for me.  I want the magicial Bible study to show up out of no where.  I don't know what it's suppose to look like but I want it to be perfect.  See - this is why I'm failing at this goal.  I'll keep working on it....

3) the kids school activities and stuff - doing better - work in progress.  really nothing to note about this one.  Regarding the kids, he told me tonight that his friends at schools all have lowe GPA's than him (which is a 3.5).  Now, his friends are all geeks like Ryan and really smart kids.  There's no way that they shouldn't all be getting A's like we stress to Ryan that he should get.  he just thinks / knows that they don't really care. he say's that if he didn't have us as parents, he would probably do the same thing.  he said that he wouldn't mind hanging out with kids that apply themselves but those kids are pretty much dorks and have no personality (good one!).  I said that what's important is that he realizes his friends shortcomings and as long as he doesn't idolize them and want to be like them, it's probably OK.  He's a pretty good kid and I learn from him every day.  he's upset with us right now though because we wouldn't let him get his laptop tonight - he's been saving up since Christmas (yeah, a long time ago) but part of the money is in bonds and we wouldn't let him buy the laptop tonight because he needs to turn the bonds into the bank.  We're so far below his intellegence level but we're still his parents.  he gets so frustrated with us...it's fun...

4) getting "healthy" - I actually made an appointment today with a counselor. we'll have to see how that goes.

So, I think I'm doing pretty good.  I've thought a couple more to add to the list but that will have to wait for another day.